If you have the latest iPhone, then you may have the option to secure your phone with face recognition algorithms. Have you ever tried out this awesome feature?
If you haven’t yet, then it may be because you’re not sure how accurate face recognition algorithms are. After all, one glitch or malfunction could lock you out of your phone, right?
Not so fast! The truth is these algorithms work very well. Read on to discover exactly how accurate these algorithms are. We’ll also discuss some serious qualms experts have with the tech and who is currently using it.
How Accurate Are These Algorithms?
So, how accurate are face algorithms? To understand that, we need to go over how these algorithms and programs work.
In a nutshell, an image gets inserted into a facial recognition program. Then, the software analyzes the image and compares it to other faces. In the end, it verifies your identity with your facial image.
If you think about it, the accuracy of these programs hinges on how much data it has already have. These programs have been in circulation for about a decade now. Plus, the programs have access to millions of facial photos thanks to social media!
As a result, most algorithms have over a 99% accuracy rate under ideal conditions.
Face Recognition Algorithms: Are They Racist, Too?
As we all know, ideal circumstances rarely happen in reality. So, how accurate are face recognition algorithms in the real world?
Recent research shows a clear ethnic bias when it comes to most algorithms. One 2019 study revealed black women suffer from false matches at a rate that’s 10 times higher. Black males were 2.5 times more likely to get mismatched.
Even so, that only brings the false match rate up to 0.1% and 0.025% respectively. In other words, these programs are still very very accurate. They aren’t perfect, but most facial recognition software programs are close to it.
Who is Using Facial Recognition?
Facial recognition algorithms are often used to secure physical buildings. For instance, if you work in a secure building, then they may have you submit to a face scan. The scanner can confirm your identity before unlocking the door.
Strong security like this is one of many Managed IT Solutions that protect your business.
That’s not the only way facial recognition is getting used, though. Companies use it for marketing to send out ads. Police use it to identify and apprehend criminals. Law enforcement also uses it to solve crimes.
This type of tech is also a crime deterrent. It supports public security and prevents crime. Further, experts are hoping to use this tech in the future to identify medical conditions.
The Future of Facial Recognition
Face recognition algorithms are very accurate. While they haven’t reached 100% yet, there’s very little room for error. There are still issues with the technology, but with the vast amount of data out there, it may reach 100% soon.
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