4 Tell-Tale Signs of a Spam Email

 Spam Email

There are few things more wonderful than your inbox and reading through an interesting email, only to find out that it’s spam!

Of course, we’re kidding, but you likely know how stressful this is. You’re not alone, as spam emails are still just as prevalent even though it’s a crime to send such emails.

But how do you know if an email is authentic? How can you check if you’ve received a note from a scammer email?

Here’s how you can check if email is spam:

1. Verify Email Address

Your first step should be to look at your sender’s email address. Often, a scammer email won’t be tied to a specific domain.

For example, let’s say you receive an email offering you a discount from Amazon. The email address should be along the lines of “Email@Amazon.com”

If it was “amazondiscounts@gmail.com” then you can tell it’s a scammer email. You don’t want to respond to an email that’s tied to a general email host. It should be tied to the company’s domain name.

An exception is if you’re dealing with a small business or freelancer. In this case, look up the company or freelancer’s name online. Verify their identity and reputation before you consider their offer.

2. Get an Email Filter

This is a tool that you install on your email platform to filter out potential spam.

This helps you identify particular subjects and even words that you might wish to block. You can look up how to use email-filter to help block any potential emails that are harmful.

3. What’s It About?

One of the most cunning ways that spammers cheat their victims is through their subject lines.

They’ll write a subject line that’s deceiving and demands urgency. They’ll ask you to ‘ACT NOW’ or ‘READ BEFORE FINES ARE DUE’ to get your attention.

You might also find that they’ll pretend to be a company or even a government agency. For example, they might pretend to be the IRS and demand that you pay back taxes or a penalty fee.

But you should know that such agencies will only contact you via direct mail. You should ignore such emails and report them as fraud.

4. Poor Writing

The final step is to pay close attention to the writing style and the content. Even the most minor spelling error should indicate spam. A true professional will always proofread their emails.

If there are too many grammar or syntax errors, then you should ignore the email and mark it as spam!

That’s How You Check if Email Is Spam

Now you know how to check if email is spam and rid yourself of potential scammers.

Your first step should be to verify the email address. It should always be from a registered domain name. If not, make sure you research the business or entrepreneur through an internet search.

Make sure you install an email filter to block out potential spam. Ignore subject lines that indicate urgency and always send poorly-written emails to your spam folder.

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