The use of multimedia tools is a necessary link for achieving maximum academic success. It allows regulating the situations of educational activities. It implements them in a variety of training exercises of a situational character. Find out how reasonable is this statement about these new methods of learning like E-Learning
You may have observed that the Expansion of the possibilities of representation and perception of information becomes more and more important in modern society. Introduction of information and communication technologies in education opened new opportunities for the realization of fundamentally new forms and methods of learning. The aim was raising the quality and efficiency of teaching pupils or students.
E-Learning is a common name for the cognitive theory of multimedia learning. It is an effective technology thank to its qualities of interactivity, flexibility, and integration of various types of information. In other words, multimedia is is a modern computer technology that allows you to compile text, graphics, video, sound and animation in a computer system. Graphics, animation, photo, video, sound, text create an integrated information environment in which the user finds qualitatively new opportunities, capable of playing the role of a powerful means of activating the educational, cognitive student activity.
Of course, these innovations cannot replace the teacher, but they greatly contribute to the improvement and diversification of the teacher’s work, which should increase the productivity of the educational process.
A distinctive feature of E-Learning is providing virtually unlimited opportunities for independent and joint creative activity of teachers and students. From the authoritative bearer of truth, the teacher becomes a participant in the productive activity of the students and with the help of a computer creates a favorable environment for the formation of his intelligence.
How to use E-Learning Effectively?
Using E-Learning technologies on lessons does not change the structure of the lesson fundamentally. It still has all the main stages, perhaps we can only change their temporal characteristics. The stage of motivation, in this case, increases and carries a cognitive load. This is a necessary condition for successful learning since, without the interest in gaining knowledge, without imagination and emotions, the student’s creative activity is unreal.
The Novelty of multimedia activities attracts many students. We can use the Facilities of E-Learning in a variety of ways in the learning process; it all depends on the teacher’s imagination. The conditions for active communication, in which students try to express opinions are being created in the classes. Students gladly perform various tasks, show interest in material that is being studied. Students learn to work with educational, reference and other literature on the subject independently. It allows in the most accessible form systematize and classify the phenomena that are studied using circuits, tables, specially formatted text, etc.
We can use E-Learning
- For announcing topics from the subject,
- As an accompaniment to the teacher’s explanation,
- As an information and training manual and for knowledge control.
It also can be used at different stages of the lesson: during motivation as a problem statement before studying new material, in explaining the new material as an illustration, during generalization of knowledge, etc.
Thus, the organization of classes with the use of multimedia technologies and a special media project gives a chance to demonstrate the features of the software and save time, intensifying the study of the educational material.
E-Learning, Key in the educational process effectiveness
In fact, we can say that Modern teaching is impossible without the use of E-Learning as a tool for improving and optimizing the learning process.
How Multimedia technology increases the Motivation of students?
- By improving the visibility,
- Emotionality,
- Using active methods and form of learning,
- Relevance and accessibility of information,
- Development of reflection,
- Personalization of formal thinking,
- Promotion of mental activity development.
Moreover, Scientists have proven that classrooms with multimedia applications are colorful, vivid, dynamic and memorable. Sophisticated use of these learning tools will enhance the effectiveness of the learning process.
The inclusion of E-Learning makes the learning process more technological and more effective. The use of multimedia in the classroom through interactivity that can structure and visualize information, improve student motivation, activating their cognitive activity, both at the level of consciousness and sub-consciousness.
Besides, the introduction of E-Learning is an important didactic condition for the formation of personal qualities of students. In fact, It allows intensifying the educational process, stimulates the development of thinking and imagination of students, increases the amount of educational material for creative learning, develops research, search skills, ability to make optimal decisions and to cause interest and positive attitude to learning.
How Usage of E-Learning can help?
- Individualization of the educational process taking into account the level of preparedness, abilities, interests, and needs of every student;
- Change in the character of cognitive activity of students in the direction of its greater autonomy and search character;
- Stimulating the aspiration of students for constant self-improvement and readiness for independent retraining;
- Strengthening of interdisciplinary connections in education, comprehensive study of phenomena and events;
- Increasing the flexibility and mobility of the learning process, its constant and dynamic recovery;
- Changing the methods and forms of organizing extracurricular students` activities and organizing their leisure activities.
So, the present conditions for the development of modern education facilities are predetermined by growing integration processes. The dominant components of these integration processes are new information technologies. One of them is E-Learning that provides a qualitative arrangement of the educational process in a new way.
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