5 Reasons You Should Always Have a Video Transcript for Your Media

Video Transcript for Your Media

Did you know that a whopping 1/3 of all online activity time is spent watching videos? With stats like these, it’s no wonder marketers are hopping aboard the video marketing train to engage and convert consumers. Unfortunately, so many brands are still misusing this medium and missing out on the amazing results it can produce. Here we providing the amazing the video transcript for your media.

How you ask? By skipping out on video transcript. 

If you’re struggling to see success with your video marketing campaigns, a video transcript could be the secret ingredient you’ve been waiting for. Follow along to learn the 5 undeniable benefits of video transcripts for your brand and why you should invest in a captioning service today. 

1. Improved Customer Experience

The first and perhaps most important benefit of video transcripts is their ability to improve your customer experience and boost user satisfaction. 

Think about the last time you were riding on a train or passing time in a waiting room. As you scrolled through your phone, you likely saw a number of videos cross your social media feed. Of course, unless you had headphones on hand, we’re willing to bet you watched those videos without sound or kept on scrolling due to the lack of audio. 

That is, unless those videos had captions. 

When a clip has an accurate video transcript, users are able to watch that video without sound and still enjoy every moment of it. This makes it easier for them to engage with your content wherever they are (even on the morning train). This increased accessibility then makes you more appealing and inclusive as a brand. 

Couple this with your consumer’s undying love for video content over lengthy text-based posts, and you’ve got a customer satisfaction method for the ages. 

2. Increased SEO

Your SEO efforts rely on Google bots being able to crawl your content and index it accurately for ranking. Unfortunately, the little bots that crawl your content don’t have the ability to ‘read’ your videos like they do your text. 

This means that your entire video that’s chocked full of SEO-worthy keywords and content is virtually useless for your rank. Until now. 

If crawlers need text, all you need to do is optimize for these bots by including a video transcript in your upload. When it comes to how to increase SEO, this optimization is the first step to success.

From here, your video can work its magic to keep audiences around for longer to send Google and other search engines the impression of popularity and authority. Put it all together and you’ll be able to reach even more interested viewers and customers by appearing higher on the SERPs!

3. Boost Audience Engagement

On the topic of longer page visits, one of our favorite benefits of video transcriptions is their ability to keep your audience engaged and interested. 

At the end of the day, audience engagement is key to the success of your business. Engaged audiences are more likely to be loyal due to their increased interest and emotional buy-in. What’s more is that after interacting with your video content, engaged consumers are more likely to remember your brand for future needs. 

And of course, engagement does wonders for your online visibility by giving your content a well-deserved boost. Whether it be Google or social media, algorithms simply can’t ignore engaging pages and content!

4. Content Variety

If you’ve been avoiding video due to its inability to help your SEO, you’ll love how video transcript opens up your content options. 

Instead of strictly blog posts or social media images, you can diversify your approach with captioned videos. Your audience will love the change of pace and the results will speak for themselves. 

Even if you already use video in your marketing approach, including captions on select pieces can bring some diversity to your feed and maximize your marketing dollars for increased conversion. 

5. Easy to Repurpose

The final reason to invest in a captioning service is the opportunity it offers for repurposed content. 

Let’s say you produce a video that takes off online. For whatever reason, the content in your video is drawing audiences left, right, and center and boosting your sales like you never imagined. Naturally, your goal would be to recreate this success with similar content. 

By having a video transcription, you can cut down on the amount of work and reimaging needed to leverage the content over and over again. 

Turn your video transcript into a blog post, include bits and pieces in your social media posts, or add value to your email marketing campaign – all with one content creation. At the end of the day, you could even slash your content budget to make each piece stretch further! 

What Does a Captioning Service Do?

If you’ve been reading along thinking you’ll have to create your video transcripts on your own, you’ll love what’s coming next. 

With so many affordable solutions for video transcripts, you can enjoy a hands-free solution by investing in captioning services. Simply hand your videos over to a team of professionals and get them back with accurate and timely captions. 

In fact, with an innovative automatic captioning service, artificial intelligence can be used to ensure your video transcript for your media is accurate, entertaining, and right on track with your audio!

Enjoy the Benefits of Video Transcript

Now that you know what video transcript is used for, it’s time to take advantage of this simple yet effective solution for your video marketing efforts. From how to increase SEO to versatile and re-usable content, we know you’ll love the many benefits of video transcripts for your online approach. 

Want to learn more about the world of marketing? Check out our other articles to discover all the tips and tricks you need to turn your digital marketing approach into a smashing success.