Businesses far and wide already have a host of software and tools to ensure the smooth running of operations, which is why many overlook the implementation of Digital Asset Management Software (DAM). A lot of businesses and individuals don’t even know how DAM can support their ventures or feel it’s just another cost they can live without. However, if your business is growing and you’re constantly seeking out ways to manage your file assets (photos, videos, music, etc.), you should consider DAM software for the following reasons.
File Format Change Support
With the various file formats your assets are based under, it makes it hard to make the necessary alterations to the extensions quickly and effectively. With digital asset management software – MediaBeacon at your disposal, it makes working with multiple professionals who use different software (web developers, designers, etc.) very easy. In fact, you don’t even need to communicate with such professionals, as the DAM software has the technology to undertake the alterations as and when you need them.
Organized Asset Storage
As your business grows, you’ll have more assets to manage. DAM software is particularly useful when it comes to the storage and management of those assets. It can store your assets professionally, meaning you’ll not lose any assets and any duplicate assets are automatically deleted. This makes your business operations more organized and efficient.
Improved Marketing Campaigns
When it comes to marketing, you’ll find yourself editing files and graphics more than monitoring or working on campaigns. With good DAM software, you’ll be able to automate and set rules for this process, so specific assets are used for different needs. For example, you may have a folder of images but you may only want one specific image for the header of your newsletters – DAM can select this image while abiding by a set of rules.
Reduced Operating Costs
While the cost of DAM software puts off a lot of businesses, it still reduces the costs of running a business in several ways. First and foremost, DAM software can significantly improve production across different operations of a business, helping businesses to minimize employee numbers. DAM software can also automate several operations when it comes to asset management, meaning employees have a better chance of concentrating on other areas of business rather than the repetitiveness of managing different files. DAM software is expensive but what it brings to the table is improved efficiency, tightened security, and the chance for businesses to grow without worrying about the more tedious tasks.
Easy Integration with Other Software
A lot of businesses use DAM software because it can easily work in collaboration with other software tools. Primarily, DAM can help those businesses who use Content Management Systems for their websites and office tasks. It’s easy to integrate into existing technology and can take over the reins to make even the simplest of tasks easier to undertake. It relieves stress on the CMS and can considerably cut storage costs for assets.
DAM software isn’t cheap to implement, nor will it benefit you much if you’re a small business owner. However, if your business is growing and you’re struggling to manage your assets across multiple tools, it could be time you consider DAM software to improve your organization from the bottom up.