Hackers are at their prime. There are so many ways they can find access to your information and with the increase in data leaks, it is even easier for them. Once cybercriminals gain access to your information they can access things like your personal information, credit card information, or bank accounts. These criminals then sell this information or use it to steal your money. This may sound overwhelming but there are ways to prevent this. We’ve evolved past only creating a complex password and having a different password for each account. We now have what is called two-factor authentication or 2FA.
What is two-factor authentication?
2FA is a step that has been added before you can log in to your account. This can be done by using a fingerprint scan or a text code that is used to verify your identity. This makes your account difficult for hackers to access because they’ll need more than your username or email and password. 2FA is used by everyone in the tech world because they know just how important it is. If you choose to hire the services of managed service providers London businesses suggest that you make use of 2FA for the extra level of security.
It has been labeled two-factor authentication because it requires two forms of authentication before it allows you to log in. 2FA can be seen in real life too. An example of 2FA is a bank card. The first form of authentication is the card itself and the second is your ATM PIN. Many websites make use of 2FA but this is something you’ll need to activate separately. Most websites only use one-factor authentication, which means you only need your password to access your account.
To make use of 2FA, you’ll need to first use your basic login information which is generally your username and password. Once you’ve entered this information, you’ll get a text with a numerical code. The code is called verification or authenticator code. The only way to access this website is to enter this code.
It is common knowledge that people generally set up weak passwords. Another common mistake that people make when setting up their accounts is that they use the same password for all their accounts. Since it is becoming even simpler for hackers to guess passwords, 2FA is more important than ever. Adding the extra step may seem like too much effort but it is worth it to decrease the risk of your accounts being hacked. 2FA ensures that even people with the simplest passwords can have extra security.
2FA comes highly recommended by providers of trusted IT support services in London but how exactly does it work? It is important to know what factors are involved in order to understand it. It is broken up into three categories, knowledge, biology, and possession. Knowledge refers to security questions, possession refers to items like a USB drive and biology refers to markers like fingerprints.
There are multiple types of 2FA available. This will vary according to the service you are using. There are options like push notifications that will pop up on your phone when you are logging in. There is the option of biometrics which generally uses a fingerprint to verify your identity. There is an SMS option that texts you a code to enter on the website you are attempting to log in to. There is even a physical token option available. These are physical tokens like a USB drive that will need to be inserted into your device to verify your login.
How do I enable 2FA?
2FA is not used by all websites but there are many that do use it. To enable 2FA you’ll need to turn it on in your settings. It can generally be found in the Security option. If you do not want to add it to all of your accounts, you should try to add it to your most important accounts. Accounts like your online baking and anything that can contain your personal information. By doing so, you are ensuring that cybercriminals will have much more trouble attempting to access your accounts. You’ll no longer have to worry about someone stealing your information and wiping out your bank account.