Valuable Things to Sell at a Pawn Shop That Are Likely Collecting Dust in Your Home

Sell at a Pawn Shop

Need some quick cash? Wondering how to make ends meet?

Trying to sell something valuable to a pawn shop might just be the best way to get your hands on some fast money. Pawn shops have always been a good starting point for those looking for a good deal.

But what can you sell in these shops? Read on for the best things to sell at a pawn shop that you might not realize. 


Watches can be one of the best things to sell at a pawn shop. Due to the ever-changing trends and styles, watches tend to stay up-to-date and are always in demand. If a watch is a brand name, this increases its value.

Rolex watches are especially in demand, but all good brands can get sold for a good price at a pawn shop. Many vintage watches are popular and sell for a higher amount than other pieces. It is important to check the condition, age, and authenticity to make sure it is legitimate.


With antiques, customers can find rare, vintage items that can add to any collection. The best antiques for pawn shops are often those of specialized genres or makes.

For example, a shop that specializes in vintage comic books is likely to have a good stock of these items. The same goes for clocks and furniture if the shop specializes in vintage pieces.

Many people are willing to pay a fair price for a rare item to add to their collections. You can check with local shops like Uncle Bens pawn shop to get a better idea of how much these antiques can go for. 

Old Smartphones

Though they may seem obsolete to some, there is still a demand for certain older models. With the advancements in technology, many people still want the reliable and long-lasting model of an older device. With the market saturated with new devices, old smartphones can be more affordable.

Be sure to confirm the condition and functionality before selling to a pawn shop. With the right pricing, old smartphones can be quite high in demand.

Power Tools

Power tools make for great items to sell at a pawn shop. This is thanks to their reliability and necessity for many tasks. Hammer drills, circular saws, jigsaws, and grinders are especially popular. 

They are easily recognizable by customers and widely utilized by do-it-yourselfers. There is always someone who will be in search of a specific make or model.

Musical Instruments

Musical instruments are one of the best items to sell at a pawn shop. Not only do they sell quickly, but they can also often fetch a high price.

For a seller, this means quick extra cash, and for a pawn shop owner, a return on the initial investment. For those looking for a bargain, some pawn shops even offer vintage instruments at discounted prices.

Know the Best Things to Sell at a Pawn Shop

Knowledge is key when it comes to the best things to sell at a pawn shop. With a better understanding of the things that drive higher prices, sellers can make the most out of their items.

Researching will give sellers the best chance of getting the highest payouts for their items. Take the time to research and start selling today!

Take a look at the business and finance section of our website for more great tips and ideas.