US Domain Prices Comparison Godaddy versus iPage

In this article, we are bringing you US Domain Prices Comparison GoDaddy versus iPage as of September 2018.  For most of the domains, GoDaddy’s prices are less expensive compared to iPage. Domains, where iPage is offering lower rates to GoDaddy, include .camera, .camp, and .glass. GoDaddy’s rates are better for all the common generic TLDs such as .com, .org, .net. .us, etc.

US Domain Prices Comparison GoDaddy versus iPage
US Domain Prices Comparison GoDaddy versus iPage

GoDaddy US

GoDaddy does more domain registrations than any other company. In fact, the number of domains Godaddy registers is 3 times more than the second biggest domain registration company. It enjoys more than 30% of the total market share across the world. GoDaddy provides Domain Registration Services in all almost all the countries including the US. Domain Prices by GoDaddy are one the most competitive Domains prices and they always come up with very good offers.

Click here to see the Domain Prices for Godaddy US

iPage US

iPage is a primarily web-hosting company providing services since 1998. In Worldwide Domain Registration Market they have very little share that is less than .5%. It is suggestible to use their domain registration service only in case you are using their service for hosting the website as well.

Click here to see the Domain Prices for iPage US

US Domain Prices Comparison Godaddy versus iPage – 2018


Godaddy’s prices are way better than iPage’s prices except for some nonpopular domains like academy, builders, cab, camera etc. Even for these domains, you can always go for companies registering cheaper than $33 per domain. So it is a no-brainer to chose GoDaddy if it comes to GoDaddy versus iPage. Many people chose to register a domain in GoDaddy and host for example in iPage. That is why GoDaddy has more market share in Domain Registration compared to web hosting. Note that it does not mean Godaddy’s hosting Service is poor, in fact, they have a very good web hosting service. But people chose a web hosting Service based on many parameters. Not all these parameters may favor GoDaddy. That is a different story we will cover in other articles.

Domain Price Comparison Table
