Content is everything in digital marketing, but some mistakes are very frequent. Check out the main. Top 10 Mistakes of Content Marketing.
Say that “content is King” in digital marketing has become a cliché, but it is true. There’s nothing more powerful for a company to attract, convert and retain customers. No wonder one of my earliest texts here was about How to have a blog to generate results.
In my daily living, I see a lot of companies that have already bought it but end up implementing wrong and if he can’t thwart the results promised.
Compiled here the 10 major mistakes are made frequently. If your company does one or more of those, there’s still time to fix.
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1. Not having a clear persona.
Have a very clear idea of the target audience and its characteristics are the basic starting point. There are companies that take it so seriously they create dolls representing their clients.
2. Have all content only about the company itself.
No use having a blog or newsletter if everything that is posted is photos from the last party, hiring announcements or new customer acquisition. This type of content may not move from 10% of the total.
3. Don’t teach.
This would be the antidote to the problem above. Think always teach visitors something about the theme of your business, something that helps to solve their real problems. Top 10 Mistakes of Content Marketing.
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4. Write “pretty”.
Many will excite with the role of author and try to transform their texts in poetic works, full of metaphors and language far-fetched. Efficient content is the opposite: short, objectives and practical recommendations.
5. Be too technical.
The purpose of a blog is not to impress the experts of your area with texts that seem more like scientific articles. We must chew your knowledge and turn it into simple concepts to assimilate.
6. Be too shallow.
This is the opposite case. The content is so shallow that does not convey authority and not adds nothing. Generally, it is a problem when you outsource production to other companies or inexperienced trainees.
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7. Don’t have consistency.
Just like a magazine or newspaper, the contents of a company need to have the consistency of format and especially periodicity, which is where most companies slip. You also need to have patience because the results do not come overnight.
8. Don’t have content for the different stages of the purchase.
Educational content is crucial, but it is also important to provide information to prospects who are more advanced in the funnel. Top 10 Mistakes of Content Marketing.
9. Don’t write for Google.
Make content without good keyword research is shooting in the dark. It serves as a thermometer of the actual demand and the competition for different subjects. In addition, it is important to use SEO techniques to ensure that the pages are properly indexed.
10. Don’t promote intelligently.
Having great content is no guarantee for it to be seen by many. We need to promote it in the company’s own channels (email, social networks, etc.) and leverage it through other people and vehicles already speak with your audience. This is the most old-school of digital marketing: are real relationships that ensure virtual exhibition.
Barnard M. Miller is a professional Digital Marketer. He loves to contribute content into different blogs to increase his writing portfolio and currently, he is working with a Custom leather jackets retailer that name is The Leather Makers.