We only get 24hrs a day, and in between our work schedules, house chores, and errands, that time slips away pretty fast when we’re not deliberate with how we manage it. It’s a cycle; you kickstart your day on a high note with a pronounced to-do list, only to lie down in bed unsatisfied with what you’ve accomplished throughout the day. The silver lining? It isn’t uncommon; if anything, only 17% of the global population can accurately estimate the passage of time.
However, you’d be relieved to know that the immediate causes of your unproductivity are habits you can unlearn. So maybe don’t be too fast to clock in more hours because chances are you’ll only burn yourself out, instead work smart. Minor changes like blocking out distractions, focusing on high-priority tasks, and fighting off procrastination can tremendously improve your work output.
Five techniques to boost your productivity
Time management for optimum performance is a critical skill learned through planning, practice, and consistency. No doubt, some days might spiral out of control and leave you feeling like there isn’t enough time to accomplish your daily set goals. However, there are adaptable techniques to increase your output regardless of how tedious or cramped your to-do list looks. When we cultivate the habit of taking active control of our tasks with regard to time, schedules tend to run more efficiently. That said, we’re going to walk you through five simple yet effective strategies to improve your productivity.
Timing is everything. Start by capitalizing on your most productive hours and schedule your tasks around them; this is key. No need to slug your way out of bed at 7 A.M to get that paper done if you’re a night owl; tackle it after dinner instead when your mind is at its sharpest. It is also recommended that you time yourself per task; this takes us back to the good old to-do list. Write all your goals down and allocate completion time to them; with self-imposed deadlines, you’re able to hold yourself accountable while equally keeping track of your hours. Another life-changing tip is to start with the heavy lifting first; prioritize the urgent and more challenging tasks first so you can breeze through the easy stuff later on.
Technology is a literal life-saver. Think about it, from virtual to-do lists to scheduled reminders; the productivity journey may have gotten a whole lot easier. Lookup a productivity app you can incorporate into your lifestyle, whether an anti-distraction program or a daily reminder software and utilize it. The best part? Some of these apps are free and accommodate personalized features. Browse around to find a system that works for you, and if you don’t consider yourself tech-savvy, then the traditional cell phone calendar, reminders, and notes should do the trick.
According to Earl K. Miller, a neuroscience professor at Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, multitasking is biologically impossible to humans. Toggling back and forth between tasks puts your brain under strain as it tries to backtrack and figure out where you left off. Additionally, you’re more likely to make mistakes with your attention divided. That said, you work more efficiently and spend less time on a task when you fully commit to a single mental pathway.
Eliminate distractions
Distractions are the biggest derailers of all time. The occasional head pop from your workmate for a catch-up, the oblivious scrolling through Facebook, and maybe just one more episode. All these “harmless” diversions from your schedule trickle down to hours of lost time that you could have channeled into your work. So maybe put away the phone or work from home when you have sensitive projects lined up. Better yet, invest in an app that blocks access to all the tempting platforms that eat into your time.
Take breaks
All work with no play makes Jack a dull boy- this couldn’t be more accurate. Researchers agree that elite performers are at their best when they work at intervals. We know this sounds counterintuitive, however, when we work for hours on end, we’re more likely to get burned out faster, and our brains tend to lose focus. Make a point of scheduling occasional breaks between tasks to refresh and revitalize before getting down to it again. View the ten-minute stroll or screen time as a reward for all the energy you’ve invested into the task.
Summing up
Every minute of your life is gold; you might as well start to treat it that way. We all know we cannot stop time for our convenience; however, when we make the most of our day, then 24 hours should be more than enough. Rather than dreading all the activities lined up for you, get on top of your game by strategizing. Productivity revolves around one mantra- work smart, not hard. Ultimately when you have a plan and an execution strategy, you’re good to go! Remember, increased productivity doesn’t happen overnight; it’s a transition. Incorporating one technique at a time goes a long way.