In years past, many companies were reluctant to allow employees to work remotely, assuming productivity would drop off and company culture would suffer.
But after being forced to give it a go, many are finding it works for them better than they expected. Nearly 70 percent expect to keep their work-from-home strategy in place for the long term.
A key part of that is ensuring employees have adequate internet connectivity wherever they work from. From doing your job to connecting with co-workers, it’s a vital part of remote working strategies. Let’s take a closer look at why it matters so much.
Professional Appearance
For many, their first big challenge in working from home was adapting to video conferencing through platforms like Zoom. Some issues surrounded users learning the software and proper protocol for being on camera.
But some found that their home internet didn’t have the speed and bandwidth needed to keep up with the technology. Glitchy sound and freezing video frustrate everyone on a call, particularly when your report is the point of the meeting. Even the most understanding boss might feel you aren’t up to the job.
Having good internet connections limit the issues of video lag and crackling sound, so you can present as professionally as you would have in an office conference room.
Making Deadlines
Working remotely means having a remote work product that has to get to the office on time and meet whatever deadlines you have. You need your internet speed to be up to the task of uploading files so they arrive on time.
Even if you’re working through a portal with your work product stored remotely, slow connection times keep you from working quickly. Plus, you can be left wondering if all the work you just did saved before your WiFi went out.
You want to prove not only that you can do the job, but that you can be relied on to get it done when people need it. Having a reliable and speedy connection from a provider like is a vital tool to get your basic job done.
Maintain Good Communication
Anyone who has worked remotely for long will tell you keeping good lines of communication going with your boss and co-workers is vital. You need to be responsive to requests and ensure you’re keeping your status updated with those who need to know. After all, no one can just walk down the hall to stick their head in your office to get an update.
Poor internet access can mean emails not getting sent or received in a timely fashion or getting kicked out of chat because you’ve timed out. While phone and text are options, being available in the ways your colleagues prefer to communicate ensures you are a proper member of the team.
Check Your Internet Connectivity
If you plan to work from home or even on the road, good internet connectivity is mission-critical. Without it, video calls will lag, and you can be cut off from your co-workers. You’ll find it harder to maintain a professional demeanor, keep up with your workload, and continue to advance at work without good internet access.
Looking for more tips on how to work from home? Check out other articles on our site about setting up your home office and getting the best internet speed out of your home WiFi.