Every year billions of medical aspirants get ready for their NEET exams. They do a lot of preparation for just one day that will determine their future. One day will tell them if they are ready for their journey towards becoming a doctor or medical officer.
But, for that one day, you just need to prepare yourself with all the studies and know about the attire you have to wear while sitting for the examination.
You need to follow the NEET Dress Code as described by the government. Since it is an exam hall, naturally, you cannot wear high heels or fashionable dresses.
Like every year, the NEET aspirants need to follow every rule and regulation of the exam halls, including the dress code. Some of the clothes are prohibited from wearing in the exam hall. This can even cancel your examination.
Hence you need to follow the rules. Here you will find the full details of the clothes you can wear in your exam hall, and no one will stop you from giving your examination.
Dress code for Boys
Due to the Covid -19, the rules have changed slightly. The dress code that needs to be followed by the boys are:
- They need to wear masks all the time
- They need to wear a half sleeve shirt, T-shirt. No long sleeve shirt will be allowed.
- The clothes have to be light; they cannot wear big buttons, many pockets in their pants or shirt, zip pockets, any large embroidery needs to be avoided.
- The trousers need to be simple. Kurta pyjamas are not allowed in the exam hall.
- Covered shoes are strictly prohibited in the examination hall, so the boys must wear simple sandals or chappals with a thin sole.
Dress code for Girls
Same for girls, the rules have slightly changed for covid – 19. The dress code for girls are as follows:
- The girls need to wear masks all the time during examinations.
- Elaborated embroidery, brooches, flowers, and big buttons are prohibited in the exam. So girls cannot wear them or if they are present in a dress avoid wearing that in the exam.
- Full arm length sleeves are not allowed, so try to wear short sleeve shirts or kurtas in the exam.
- Skinny leggings and palazzos are not allowed in the examination hall.
- Fashionable jeans with big pockets are prohibited in the examination hall. So, it is advised that girls avoid wearing jeans in the hall.
- Opt for thin sole sandals or chappals. Avoid wearing covered shoes or heels in the examination hall.
- Female candidates need to avoid earring any kind of jewellery like earrings, chains, bracelets, nose pins, anklets, etc. Metal detectors are used before letting you enter the hall; it can cause a hassle if they find any metal. So, try to avoid it. Even try to avoid wearing hairpins.
Customary dress
Many aspirants follow a certain religion that forbids their dressing. For them, the high courts have permitted them to follow their dress codes. Like the people from the Sikh community, they are allowed to carry their traditional items like kara, kirpan, and kanga. Female candidates from the Muslim community are permitted to wear burkha.
The candidate, while filling their form, will find a custom dress form. These candidates need to fill these forms so that the centre does not stop them while entering the examination hall.
Prohibited items in the examination hall
As we have listed the things that you need to wear while going to the examination centre. Here is the list of items that are prohibited from carrying in the exam hall.
- Stationary: Stationery like pen/pencils, erasers, whiteners, papers, etc., is prohibited from being carried in the examination centre.
- Electronic gadgets: Gadgets like earphones, headphones, watches, Bluetooth devices, etc., are strictly prohibited in the hall.
- Personal items: Wallets, belts, caps, goggles, etc., are restricted in the centre.
- Foods: Packed or unpacked food of any type, liquid or solid, even water bottles are prohibited in the centre. Only candidates with special conditions like diabetes can carry their medicines, transparent water bottles and food.
Items required in the examination centre
There are very few things that you need to canary in the examination hall. The list of things that you must carry in the examination hall or else you won’t be allowed to enter are as follows:
- Admit Card: It is a must to carry an admit card to your examination centre. It is the gateway to your examination room. Only candidates carrying the admit card will be allowed to sit for the exam.
- Id Proof: One of the most important things that you need to carry in the centre is your Id proof which states that you are a citizen of India. It can be your Aadhar card, passport, voter’s ID card, etc.
- Proforma: Candidates are required to paste a passport-sized photo on the proforma and carry it in the exam hall.
- Passport size photo: You need to have a passport size photo that you may need to paste into any document. So, carry your photo.
You need to follow all these norms to give your examination. You have to remember to wear your mask all the time, and you cannot remove it. The common thing that both the male and female candidates should wear are:
- Short sleeve simple cloth which does not have any embroidery on it.
- Plane pants with no big pockets or a lot of chains.
- Wear simple chappals or sandals, and avoid wearing any covered shoes or heels.
- Wear a light coloured dress.
NEET is one of the biggest examinations to get selected for studying medicine. The dress codes are created to avoid any kind of disturbing situation in the examination centre. The things which the National Testing Agency (NTA) prohibits need to be strictly adhered to. Hence, you must follow all the rules and regulations to give your exam peacefully without facing any difficulty.