You already know that LED light bulbs are a powerful and energy-efficient way to brighten any space. That’s why they’ve become so popular in recent years! below in this article, we will cover the LED vs Incandescent Lighting: What You Need to Know.
But how do they compare to traditional incandescent lighting?
In this article, we’ll walk you through the primary differences between the two, and help you decide which is best.
Keep reading to get all the facts.
LED vs Incandescent Lighting
Incandescent lights are traditional electric light bulbs that work by emitting light via a heated wire filament.
On the other hand, LED lights operate via two electrodes that glow when an electric current passes through them.
You might have heard that LED bulbs are expensive.
While it’s true that they might cost more upfront, in the long run, they are a more affordable option than their incandescent counterparts.
LED lights use fewer kilowatt-hours (kWh), which can add up to huge savings on your electric bills. So, they offer an outstanding long term value.
Another less obvious way that LED bulbs can help you save money is that they maintain a steady temperature. Since they don’t heat up like traditional lightbulbs, you won’t need to use a cooling system to offset their warmth.
LED bulbs last longer than incandescent bulbs.
In fact, you can expect a 60W incandescent bulb to last for approximately 1,000 hours. A 12W LED will offer the same amount of brightness but can last for up to 25,000 hours.
Simply put, while they might cost more initially, you’ll need to switch them out much less frequently.
LED bulbs are also stronger and less prone to breaking.
They don’t have fragile glass parts like a normal light, so you don’t have to worry about cracking or shattering them during installation. And, they are less likely to break if accidentally bumped or jostled.
Environmental Impact
LED bulbs use less power and need to be changed less often, so they can help to reduce your environmental impact.
If you make the switch, you’ll waste less electricity and contribute far fewer burned out bulbs to your local landfill. This combination can make a big difference when it comes to your carbon footprint!
LED lights also offer less obvious benefits to the environment. They create less light pollution than incandescent bulbs and don’t use harmful heavy metals like mercury as conductors.
Other Big Benefits
LED bulbs are very versatile. They come in a much wider variety than traditional lights, including a huge range of shapes, sizes, and color temperatures.
Some conventional bulbs can be bad for your indoor plants.
They radiate heat and provide too much warm light. LED lights are actually good for plants because they offer cool ambient light.
Have you ever noticed that bugs like to swarm and gather around lightbulbs?
This is thanks to the heated bulb surface and light wavelength emitted by incandescent lighting. LED light bulbs don’t have these issues, so they won’t attract those annoying insects.
Are There Any Drawbacks?
The easy answer is No.
While making the change to LED lighting requires some upfront spending, it’s well worth the money. And, you’ll see a fast return on your investment!
Make the Change
Are you ready to say goodbye to incandescent lighting for good? Go for it!
Make the change to cost-effective, earth-friendly LED bulbs today.
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