How to Organize an Office at Home in 5 Steps

Organize an Office at Home

Did you know that 59% of U.S. workers currently work from home? With the COVID-19 pandemic came an increase in the number of people working from home, thus increasing the need for home offices.

If you’re wondering how to organize an office at home, you’re in the right place! Keep reading for 5 tips on how to organize your home office.

1. Find the Best Space for Your Home Office

 The first step to organizing your home office is determining where your home office will be. If you have a whole room set aside, it’ll be easy to decide where your office will be. On the other hand, if you don’t have a full room, you’ll need to choose where to set up.

Look around your home and decide what space presents the most room and the least distractions. The ideal home office location will vary from person to person, from the corner of a bedroom to the center of the living room.

Whatever you choose, make sure it’s in a place with minimal distractions. You want this section of your house to be your workplace. Having a designated zone for work will increase productivity.

2. Decide on a Layout for Your Home Office

Once you’ve finalized the location of your home office, you need to decide where your furniture will go! There are many pieces of furniture to include, such as a desk, a chair, a filing cabinet, a bookshelf, or a bulletin board. 

We recommend that you start by drawing your ideal office space on a piece of paper. From there, you can measure the room to make sure everything fits before moving things around.

3. Purchase the Right Office Supplies

A key step in home office organization is having the right office supplies. A desk organizer will give you a location for your pens and scissors, while drawers under your desk will provide extra storage. 

Having the right office supplies can be the difference between organization and chaos. For example, these Custom Dividers will help bring your document organization to the next level. 

4. Assign Places for Everything

It’s important that everything in your office has a designated place. This step will ensure that you don’t have “things” laying around, cluttering up your desk.

However, this doesn’t mean you have to spend hours labeling and sorting through things. It’s enough to have a general idea of where things should go.

5. Maintain a Clean Desk

Our final tip for home office organization is simple: keep your desk clean! We know it sounds difficult, but everything already has a place. If you see something on your desk, put it where it belongs!

A clutter-free desk will lead to a clutter-free brain.

Take the Next Steps to Organize an Office at Home

With these tips in mind, it’s time for you to organize your home office! To organize an office at home, you need to organize both your space and your desk. Purchasing the right office supplies and giving everything a place will help you feel less cluttered and more productive.

If you’re looking for more articles about working from home, check out our blog!