How to Make Creative Instagram Stories to Build Your Brand

 Instagram Stories

Is it still worth it to develop a marketing strategy for Instagram stories? The answer is a resounding yes since they reach over 500 million people daily.

To carve out your slice of the pie, you’ll need to stand out from your competitors already using the popular social media platform. That’s where creative Instagram stories come in!

Follow this guide for some fresh ideas to get your wheels turning.

What Are Instagram Stories?

Instagram stories (sometimes called Insta stories) are short, photo or video-based posts that disappear after 24 hours. They’re a great way to show your audience a behind-the-scenes look at your business, give sneak peeks of new products, or even just humanize your brand.

You can also use Instagram stories for more interactive content like polls, quizzes, and collecting feedback from your audience.

Why Use Them?

Instagram stories are easy and quick to consume since they’re only a few seconds long. This makes them perfect for a busy person who still wants to stay up-to-date on what’s happening on their Insta account.

Another big selling point is that you can be more creative and experimental with your content since it doesn’t have to be perfect. This is in contrast to a traditional post on your Instagram feed where you might spend hours crafting and curating the perfect content.

Not to mention, using Instagram stories can help you build a deeper connection with your audience. Since they’re more personal and informal, they make your brand feel approachable and relatable.

Finally, stories can help you to grow your following on Instagram. Learn more here on how to do that. 

Ideas for Creative Instagram Stories

While there are millions of active daily users on the platform, it will take more than just a random post on Instagram to stand out. If you really want to capture people’s attention, try using some of these ideas:

Share Behind-the-Scenes Content

People view stories for a more personal look at their favorite brands. You can show off your company culture, show how you’re creating new products, or take them along for a day in the life of your business.

Go Live

One way to make your brand more personal and approachable is by going live on Instagram stories. This makes your audience feel like they’re part of the action.

You can use live videos to give tutorials on your products, host Q&As, or stream parts of an insider event. The key is to be authentic and engaging so that people will keep watching.

Bring in User-Generated Content

Showcase your audience’s creativity by featuring user-generated content (UGC) in your stories. You can repost photos or videos that mention your brand or use specific hashtags. Not only is this a great way to get more content, but it also makes your followers feel appreciated.

Collaborate With Other Brands

By teaming up with another business in your industry, you can reach a whole new group of people. This is a great way to get more exposure and grow your following. Just make sure that you choose a brand that is complementary to yours so that you can reach the right audience. 

Grow Your Following with Instagram Stories

It’s not too late to start using Instagram as part of your marketing strategy. With creative Instagram stories, you can reach a large audience with your content.

Explore our website for other ways to grow your social media following in innovative ways.