How to Get More Construction Jobs

Construction Jobs

In 2021, there were a whopping 1.74 million housing permits in circulation, making it the biggest year for housing construction in the US ever!

And the market is still growing, so there are lots of opportunities for you to earn some serious cash. But for some reason, you’re not landing the construction jobs you want.

It’s not because you lack the skills. You know how to do the work, and you’ve got the experience to back it up. So what’s going on?

Maybe you’re not getting the right leads. Or perhaps your resume just isn’t up to par. Whatever the reason, here are easy ways to land more construction jobs this year.


Find prominent figures in the construction industry and reach out to them. Ask them for advice. Most people will respond positively to this gesture and may even help you get a job.

Wait a few days and follow up on your new connections with an email or phone call. Thank them for the conversation and ask if they’d like to stay in touch. The relationships you form can lead to new construction work.

Get Certified for New Construction Equipment

A specialty certification shows potential employers you’re committed to your career. It also gives them confidence in your ability and knowledge of your trade.

For example, if you’re a technician, you can buy DigiTrak SE transmitters and become a certified transmitter technician. This distinction will prove you’re qualified to work with media equipment, and it can lead to more job opportunities.

Highlight Your Training

To build a stellar resume, mention your most recent certifications. And don’t forget to include skills that the hiring company said they were looking for (like welding).

If you don’t have any certifications, focus on the training you’ve received from your employer. For example, if you work for a company that makes medical equipment, mention that you’re trained in X-ray machine assembly. To some employers, your experience is more important than your certifications.

Improve Your Marketing

Facebook and Instagram are great ways to market your construction services at a low rate.

If you’re a plumber, post pictures of your work and tag the businesses where you installed new faucets. If you’re an electrician, share photos of wiring projects that show off your expertise.

When potential clients see that other people trust your skills, they’ll be more likely to hire you for their next project.

Land Better Construction Jobs

Construction jobs are plentiful, and if you consistently look for work, you’re sure to find a position.

If you’re a plumber, make sure your construction tools are always in good repair. If you’re an electrician, update yourself on the latest technology and stay up-to-date with the latest building codes. By staying ready for any job that comes your way, you’ll always be able to increase your income.

Ready to boost your chances of attracting new employers? Read our marketing section for advertising tips.