How to Choose a Recruitment Agency: The Complete Guide for Businesses

Recruitment Agency

As a small business owner, you wear a lot of hats. You have to be the marketer, the photographer, the manager, HR, and every other position under the sun.

Including the full-time recruiter, when you have to fill positions. And while it’s exciting to have the bandwidth to hire employees in a small business, the recruiting process can suck every ounce of joy out of it.

Instead of adding another thing to your dangerously-full plate, choose a recruitment agency who do your hiring for you. Once you try it, you’ll never go back!

Why Choose a Recruitment Agency vs. DIY?

When you’re using a recruiting agency, not only do you have to do less of the work, but your hiring process will likely go much quicker than if you tried to do it on your own. The best types of recruitment agencies have potential employees on deck, that can contact and gauge their interest in your position(s).

They also have national networks, so if one recruitment agency knows of someone who is moving to your area, they can relay that information for a potential match.

Finally, these agencies have strict screening processes in place that give you the best pool of applicants to choose from. You can ask them to help you with assessments, drug testing, or any other personalized hiring needs you have.

These professionals have different recruiting strategies that can help you get the best bang for your buck.

Ok, so now that you know why hiring an agency is worth your time and money, let’s talk about the types of recruiting agencies. Choosing the right agency can help you avoid common hiring mistakes.

Should You Go General or Specific?

When you look into employment agencies, you’ll notice that there are niche organizations and nationwide firms. While nationwide firms can help hire for any position, you may feel more comfortable going with an industry pro.

Medical staffing agencies, for example, are a popular niche choice. However, when comparing agency fees, expect to pay more for specialized services.

Your Involvement Level

When you’re working with a recruitment agency, you can be involved as little or as much as you want. Most of the time the agency will collect their initial pool of candidates, let you reduce it, then reach out on your behalf to schedule interviews.

But if you want to work more closely with your account manager, you’re welcome to. They understand that for the first time you’re recruiting new employees with an agency, you may want to be more hands-on.

The Employee Recruitment Process: Get Help Getting Help!

With the right recruitment agency, your hiring nightmare can become a well-managed dream. Just make sure you choose a recruitment agency whose values align with your own.

That way you’re sure to have the best results. You’ll love working with a pro and will get applicants much faster with an agency!

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