As we know that now WhatsApp is more than a messaging app. It’s personal and we don’t want someone to invade our privacy. There are a number of images and videos that we send and receive in WhatsApp daily, and many of them can be our private. Also, it is obvious that WhatsApp media appear in our phone gallery. Since our mobile may be used anytime by anyone, they can also see the images which we don’t want them to. So, if you want to Hide WhatsApp Images and Videos from Gallery on Android instead of locking your entire phone gallery, then HowToCrazy is here today to share a very simple trick to do the same.
How To Hide WhatsApp Images and Videos From Gallery
1.) Dot Method – Hide WhatsApp Images from Gallery
Step1: Firstly, you will need a file manager app to access WhatsApp directory. You can download  ES File Explorer.
Step2:Â Now, open the app, and navigate to ‘WhatsApp’ folder.
Step3: In the WhatsApp folder, click on Media>>WhatsApp Images folder.
Step4:Â Long press on WhatsApp Images folder and click on ‘Rename’ button.
Step5: Now replace “Whatsapp Images” with “.Whatsapp Images” and save it.
That’s it. You have hidden The WhatsApp Images from your phone gallery. You need to do the same steps to the “WhatsApp Video” folder to make it hidden.
Note: You have to enable “Show hidden files” option in your file manager to see these hidden folders again.
2.) .nomedia Method
There is one more method that will help you to hide WhatsApp Images / Videos from the gallery on Android
Step1:Â Open your File Manager app, for instance, ES File Explorer.
Step2: Now open your WhatsApp folder and click on Media.
Step3:Â Go to WhatsApp images and click on the three dots that appear at the top right. This will pop up a New Box. Now, select ‘File’.
Step4:Â Next you have to create a file named as .nomedia and click OK. You will get a message saying ‘.nomedia has been created‘.
Step 5: Open your phone gallery and then you will see that your WhatsApp folder has disappeared.
Note:Â If still, you are able to see WhatsApp folder then try clearing the cache for your gallery app in Settings > App manager > Gallery (name may differ depending on your phone’s manufacturer).
If you want to roll-back the changes and make all the media to appear again in the Gallery, delete the .nomedia file present in the respective folders. You’ll now able to see them again, and in case you don’t, clear the cache once again.
Final Words:Â
These are the two methods that will help you to hide WhatsApp Images or hide WhatsApp videos from the gallery on Android. If you are surprised that how these methods are working then let me tell you that Android Operating System is based on Linux in which adding a ‘.’ in front of a folder or file makes it hidden. So try out these methods, as both are very easy if still, you will face some issue then reach to us.