As we all know that PDF has now become the most preferred document format to be used especially in business transactions. PDFs cost nothing to produce and assure that documents will appear the same to anyone, anytime and anywhere. There are quite a few times when you need to edit a PDF. So today we are going to tell you about Top 5 Free PDF Online and Offline Editing Software that you can download for free.
Top 5 Free PDF Online and Offline Editing Software
1. Sejda PDF Editor
Sejda is a web app designed for speedy PDF work. It allows you to edit your PDF files easily. Apart from editing PDFs, it can also add the signature on PDF files, add comments and links on PDFs, create fillable PDF forms, edit the content in PDF documents. There are also mobile download options available for Android and iOS.
2. PDF-XChange Editor
There are some really great PDF editing features in PDF-XChange Editor, but not all of them are free to use. If you use a non-free feature, the PDF will save with a watermark on every page. However, if you stick to just the free features, you can still do some editing to the file and save it back to your computer. It uses OCR to identify the text in the PDF, can import a variety of shapes and images, and supports adding QR codes to the PDF.
3. Inkscape
Inkscape is an extremely popular free image viewer and editor, but it also includes PDF editing functions that most dedicated PDF editors only support in their paid editions. It is a nice tool that can edit PDF text, supports manipulating graphics and also includes lots of image editing tools.
4. AbleWord
This PDF reader and writer is also a good tool that will enable you to edit the PDF. It is also a word processor which means that you can edit files easily like you would with a word document. AbleWord supports to reformat images, add or edit headers and footers, and tables, among other useful functions. It also includes spell check and other functions.
5. PDFescape
PDFescape is a wonderful online PDF editor with lots of features. You can use it to insert everything from text to images and links to freehand drawings in PDF documents. There is also some annotation goodness thrown into the mix, and PDF forms can be filled too. It even lets you share edited documents online if you register a free account. In essence, as long as your PDF files are up to 10 MB in size, and 100 pages in length, PDFEscape is going to work just fine.
Final Words about Top 5 Free PDF Online and Offline Editing Software
So, guys, these are the Best Free PDF Editors. These will allow you to not only edit the text in the PDF but also add your own text, change images or add your own graphics, sign your name, fill out forms, etc. Do install any one of these according to your requirement. In case of any queries please do comment below we are here to help you always.