Everything You Need to Know About Moccasins

Everything You Need to Know About Moccasins
Everything You Need to Know About Moccasins

The Canadian footwear industry peaked at around CAD 357.56 million in November 2018, thanks to the increase in shopping among residents. Experts calculate that the industry will grow to CAD 7.67 billion by the end of 2019. Below in this article, we will cover the Everything You Need to Know About Moccasins.

The growth happened due to the continued demand for athletic and casual footwear like loafers, slip-ons, and moccasins in Canada. On average, each Canadian moccasin is roughly around CAD 30 to CAD 149.

Moccasins in Canada have been a trend lately due to their ability to protect the foot, while simultaneously enabling the wearer to feel the ground. In general, moccasins are made of soft leather or deerskin, consisting of leather sides and a flexible sole.

In the early days, moccasins were part of the Canadian Regalia outfit which, also came with pow wow suits of clothes. Although moccasin styles have transcended through time, among the popular designs were soft-sole and hard-soled moccasins.

The hard-sole or Plain Indian moccasins were worn to protect the wearer’s feet from cacti and sharp rocks as they hunt or forage for food. Eastern Indian tribes in Canada, meanwhile, donned soft-sole moccasins to walk on forest grounds covered by leaves.

Why Should You Wear Moccasins?

Moccasins are not only timeless, comfortable, and classic, but studies have revealed that they can also bring therapeutic benefits to your feet. Clinical studies have indicated that wearing traditional and genuine Canadian leather moccasins strengthens your feet and calf muscles.

Moreover, moccasins provide appropriate cushioning and arch support. This enables you to flow with the natural movement and function of your body.

Likewise, soft-sole moccasins bring grounding benefits to build your feet up and give you better support. Plus, moccasins from Tribal Trade last long because of the time spent by artisans to ensure that the right amount of stitches adhere to the material per inch.

Perhaps the most significant advantage of wearing a pair of moccasins is their versatility to be worn as a boot or shoe. You can wear soft-sole moccasins outside your deck, indoors, and even during formal occasions depending on the style of the sole.

Best of all, moccasins are also handmade by native Americans in Canada using excellent deerskin, and moose hide, elk, and cowhide leather to ensure precision and quality. Alternatively, you can also choose handmade moccasins made of grizzly tan, sheepskin or deer-tanned depending on your preferences. Handmade moccasins are made of top quality materials and produced with the type of superior craftsmanship that comes only with the years of experience.

How to Choose the Right Moccasin?

Moccasins are everywhere in Canada, and choosing the right pair can be intimidating. For best results, consider the occasion before selecting the appropriate pair to ensure that it does not contract or distort the original layout of your feet.

For formal occasions, opt for moccasins with a smooth finish that is made of dark leather. The glossy finish ensures that the shoe can be polished to a subtle sheen to complement the color of your dress or pants.

Moccasins with a matte finish, meanwhile, are ideal for semi-formal events to wonderfully match your khakis, slacks, and chinos. For casual days, choose moccasins with a lightweight sole and soft lining for relaxation and comfort. Also, moccasins, which are designed like slippers, fit well during casual days.