2020 didn’t start on a good note from the very first day considering the horrifying Australian bushfire and then the looming threat of a possible World War III. However, things specifically took a drastic turn when COVID-19 came into play. The pandemic, which is now being compared to the Great Depression, has affected every sector and has emanated numerous issues that are currently endangering humans to the extent that it can result in ever-lasting changes to the world. However, the most conundrum evidence is the fact that it feels like COVID-19 has breathed a new life into mother Earth.
Amidst the global challenges posed by COVID-19, various industries have adapted to new norms, including the events sector, where temporary solutions like reliable fence rentals in Austin have become essential for ensuring safe and socially-distanced gatherings.
Let’s have a look at the pros and cons that COVID-19 has led to:
Retail & Food Production
Compared to the environment and living conditions, the food sector has been impacted differently. Some countries are overwhelmed by a sudden increase in certain products. Many people have started thinking about diet control, given the fact they are likely to lounge around in their homes, binge-watch, and eat. Grocery store owners have no choice but to implement their old school selling store model into an online store and eventually to lead to a subtle increase in online grocery shopping as well given that it is a more comfortable and safer mode of shopping considering the circumstances.
Dramatic Drop In Global Air PollutionÂ
The first change in atmospheric pollution was noted down in Wuhan and later in China overall. The considerable drop in the numbers of pollutants like NO2 and PM2.5 was initially regarded as a fluke. However, when similar reports emerged from the rest of China, NASA scientists realized something abuzz—attributed to the fact that through the city-wide lockdown initiated since the spread of this contagious disease. People have been barricaded at their homes with wok from home (WFH) implementations resulting in next to none traffic on the roads. Public transportation, train stations, and flights are mostly suspended, leading to a drop of unprecedented greenhouse emission levels.
Decrease In Carbon Dioxide Emissions
Another major pollutant: Carbon Dioxide is on the pathway to the largest ever annual fall in its emissions, just in China, it went 25% below normal since the nationwide lockdown. The contributing factors have been less electricity usage, transportation use at its minimum, and, most of all, limited industry activities. Carbon Brief has predicted that if the Coronavirus crisis continues, Carbon Dioxide emission cuts might end up being 2000 metric tons. However, at the same time, there are chances the numbers can bounce back just as quickly as they dropped despite the emission cuts.
Global Health
Coronavirus has taken the world by a storm. Originating in December 2019 from Wuhan in a matter of months, it has conquered nearly 213 countries worldwide. It was declared a global health care emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 31st January 2020. The fact that it is a highly contagious disease is a worrisome thing. You might not even be aware for at least two weeks you’re affected without any symptoms and would already be transmitting the disease to someone else unknowingly. Hence, most countries have implemented nationwide lockdowns and strict adherence to social distancing.
Economic Impact
Coronavirus has affected the global economy in the worst way possible. The stock shares have dropped to an all-time low leading to numerous company closures, and consequently, employees getting laid off. Reports suggest that the unemployment rate has never been this low in the USA. Many countries that can’t afford a nationwide lockdown are forced to battle Coronavirus at the same time.
Several graduates are having a hard time looking for dissertation assistance with the schools, and institutes closed down. No doubt, the lockdown is going to result in some drastic results like that of third-world countries going into a possible recession in 2021.
Impact On Forestation
The whole pandemic kicked off because a guy in China decided to eat the bat, and hence, he was infected, or that is the rumor at least. The thing is deforestation can lead to the outbreak of a deadly disease. The reason is as we’re getting rid of the animals along with their natural habitat, at the same time, we’re making ourselves prone to zoonotic that is animal-to-human transmitting diseases, and COVID-19 is a bat-born viral outbreak. The most we can do is assert the importance of afforestation to avoid the second wave of this outbreak.
Global Ban On Wildlife Trade
With the Coronavirus pandemic racking the world, wildlife trading may be one of the leading causes of an outbreak. China recently placed a temporary ban over “wet markets” that sell live and dead wildlife animals for human consumption leading to a spread of diseases. The main cause would be that the surroundings in which these wildlife animals are kept and sold are not of remotely good hygienic conditions. The United Nations’ biodiversity chief called for a permanent ban on such markets, pointing out an example of the Ebola outbreak in Africa, and numerous organizations supported the chief’s ideology.
Impact On Population Growth
Many parts of the world are already suffering from overpopulation, and with this pandemic at hand, the population is likely to be affected as well. Overpopulation is an issue that leads to multiple other issues. It’s a lot like a chain reaction. Consider this, in China, due to overpopulation; deforestation has increased to make homes for people. However, at the same time, people indulge in devouring bats, snakes, and whatnot. The fact that coronavirus is a bat-related disease doesn’t exactly help China’s case either.
One thing for sure, COVID-19 was pretty much like a wake-up call to humankind for a human to change his ways and treat the earth with the respect it deserves. Not only that, but we should also keep this in mind the fact that either of us can fall prey to this deadly disease contracting it from anywhere and anyone and that itself speaks about the gravity of the situation.
Author Bio
Samantha Kaylee is currently working as a Planning Manager at Crowd Writer. Her interest in providing cheap essay writing service UK made her a renewed analyst around the globe. Samantha, with her great knowledge and research, aims to highlight the arising aspects of this daunting situation of the pandemic.