Whatsapp is a free cross-platform messaging application which allows users all over the world to communicate through text messages, voice calls as well as through video calls. Whatsapp provides an amazing feature named as “WHATSAPP STATUS” which lets you post customized photos and videos that will disappear after 24 hours.
You can either tap the status tab or swipe left from the WhatsApp screen to access status posted by your friends, family members, colleagues or anyone who is listed in your contact list. You can also even provide your personal feedback or opinion regarding one’s status updates. Today we explain here about how to Download WhatsApp Status Videos and Photos in Android Phone.
How To Download WhatsApp Status Videos and Photos in Android Phone via File Manager
Uploading anything as your WhatsApp status makes sense as it requires less hassle and everyone in contact would able to see that. WhatsApp status isn’t downloadable. So, what if any of your contacts posted a video clip or some images of any particular event and you find it interesting and useful. You want these clips to be accessible, whenever you want to. But due to the fact, that it will disappear after 24 hours of operation, you won’t be able to access it.
I know you must be having some alternative ways to grab these images. By taking screen-shots or through some other ways, you can have the copies of these images. But what about those video clips that you find interesting and useful.
Definitely, you will find an alternative for that too. But why to go with alternatives, when we can simply download these video clips and images ?? Yes, this is possible.
Be patient, and I’ll let you know about the methods through which you would be able to have these WhatsApp stories. You just need to follow some simple steps.
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How To Download WhatsApp Status Videos and Photos in Android Phone via File Manager
- By using third-party applications.
- Without using any third party application.
Here, we’ll discuss the second method i.e. to Download WhatsApp Status Videos and Photos in Android Phone without using any third party application. This is because most of the third-party applications are not trust-worthy, they could misuse your valuable data in any manner. And in today’s scenario data is considered to be one of the most precious things that one has.
Save WhatsApp Status via File Manager
Whatsapp provides us a feature which temporarily stores one’s status videos/ images in a hidden folder named “.status“. This folder is hidden due to some copyright issues with the media content. So, it means that whatsapp status updates are already there in our phone’s internal memory. We simply need to unhide this folder to grab these images as well as video clips.
Let us consider some steps to describe this in a proper manner which would be more easier to understand.
The following steps will help you to grab these things easily :
- Open your whatsapp account after turning on your internet.
- Check out the status updates by simply, either tapping on the status tab or swipe left from whatsapp screen to access.
- Watch the status you want to download or save.
- Then exit the WhatsApp application and open your file manager (we recommend you to use ES File Folder).
- Go to “settings” –> “Show Hidden Files”.
- Then check out your WhatsApp folder.
- “Whatsapp” –> “Media”.
- There you will see a new folder popping up named as “.statuses”.
- Open that folder, Miracle ! you have all your WhatsApp contact’s status.
- Now, you can either share them or copy/move them somewhere else, wherever you want to.
- Congrats ! you have got your friends WhatsApp statuses.
Remember: In some android phones, file manager doesn’t have show hidden folders’ option. So, you can download file explorer from Google Play Store and use that to show hidden files.
By just simply following these few steps accordingly, you would be able to have your friend’s WhatsApp status video/images and you can even share them, wherever you want to. I hope you will not find any difficulty in following these steps. Enjoy downloading more WhatsApp stories and stay updated with recent updates from your friends.
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