As a business grows, it accumulates more data, and there might come a time when the old CMS is simply not enough. Every 21st-century website requires more than a plain old CMS. They need a one-stop solution that can tie all the business information, accessibilities and functions together on one platform. A single powerful platform can help to convert each new visitor into a paying customer by giving each a personalized experience. Experience Marketing by Sitecore offers exactly that to each user. Does your existing business website require a new Sitecore Partner.
Why is every developer talking about Sitecore?
While Gartner and Forrester have dubbed Sitecore a leader in the Management of Web Content, Sitecore is a lot more than your usual CMS. It offers more than simple content management. The trained user can create, test and optimize content before personalizing and automating it. Sitecore can collect, connect and analyze all the customer interaction data from online activities. This sophisticated .NET CMS gives all users the power to all users to access the customer insight necessary for making business decisions. Whether you need to launch a new UI, a new marketing campaign or product, Sitecore facilitates user access to the site’s Big Data.
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Its abundance of features and functionalities makes Sitecore a bit more complicated than the contemporary CMS platforms most sites use. In the initial phases, all Sitecore users benefit from receiving expert guidance. While there are dedicated forums and blogs, most users report seeking help from certified Sitecore partners. Visit to learn more about finding an accredited partner for your web endeavors. Choosing the right Sitecore MVPs can boost your online presence, improve your customer interactions and increase the conversion rates. They should provide quality service that adds benefits to your site. Are you considering hiring a new Sitecore partner?
Here are five signs that will tell you that you need a new partner for your Sitecore CMS –
Your website lacks a Sitecore Architecture document
There are times when an entrepreneur approaches a new Sitecore partner with a site that does not have a Sitecore Architecture Document. If that is the case for you, then you have a severe problem in hand. A Sitecore implementation should always come along with an accurate Sitecore Architecture Document. Does your existing business website require a new Sitecore Partner.
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This document provides every detail of content structure, module creation, and editing of content within the Sitecore structure. The document ensures that there are no unwarranted surprises at the time of the launch. Not having the document can lead to miscommunication, poor design, an increase in the frequency of bugs and challenges in content management.
Your website is too slow to load
If your website page load time is in seconds instead of milliseconds, you have a problem there. Without the right Sitecore partners, you might find it difficult to rank higher in the Google SERPs due to high page loading times.
Sitecore’s impeccable optimization and performance features allow the partners to improve site performance and speed. Server configuration requirements, the best front-end performance practices, and performance monitoring help in improving a website’s loading speed. Any certified partner typically begins the Performance Optimization process via Sitecore Implementation Audit.
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Your website content management is becoming troublesome
You should be able to rely on your Sitecore Partner to manage and update website content. When that does not happen, you can be sure that it is time for you to consider a new partner. Does your existing business website require a new Sitecore Partner.
When your Sitecore vendor does not give you the ability to manage your website content, it is a telltale sign that you need to look for a new partner. It is a frequent occurrence today since there are not many certified Sitecore partners out there. An authentic partner should help you to reinforce the content structure by setting up a modular content structure and facilitating the content creation and editing process.
Your Sitecore partner does not let you add or edit sections of your website
If your Sitecore partner does not allow you to add new sections to your site or modify them in spite of repeated requests, it might be time to consider hiring a new team. As a website owner, you should reserve the right to build new sections through easy shortcuts, like selecting layouts and modules. Does your existing business website require a new Sitecore Partner.
The sole aim of Sitecore is to provide the marketing team with flexibility and an increase in access. There are times when the partners allow the website owners to access limited content editing and management only. It indicates that the team did not follow the best practices of Sitecore and did not sign-off on a thorough Sitecore Architecture Document. When you sign on a real team of Sitecore MVPs, you will gain access to module reusability, content creation and editing, and webpage addition within Sitecore.
Your Sitecore partners do not allow your in-house team to run A/B tests
In a business, A/B tests can be the lifeline of new products, marketing schemes, and customer interaction models. Multivariate analyses give the entrepreneurs an idea about the applicability of specific changes and the efficiency of new business/investment decisions. Running multivariate tests on your own without help from the Sitecore Partners can be a little confusing in the initial days. However, your partners should provide you with the necessary guidance. Does your existing business website require a new Sitecore Partner.
Sitecore comes with the Experience Editor. It facilitates the multivariate testing. Your vendor should provide you with all the help necessary to run these tests. If necessary, your Sitecore vendor should provide your team with the training required to run the A/B tests for the multiple components of your website. Moreover, a qualified and experienced Sitecore partner will work with you to find out if it is a priority for your team right now.
Any company should have the right knowledge and skill set to manage and use their website. Managing the content and other components of a Sitecore site can take considerable effort. It is the responsibility of any Sitecore partner to work alongside the company’s core team to improve the team’s efficiency, know-how, and skillset in content editing and management. The only way to maintain a stellar website on a Sitecore CMS is by choosing a Sitecore partner who has the certification and the experience. Does your existing business website require a new Sitecore Partner.