Divorce is never going to be easy. When the final papers come through, it’s time to take a deep breath and decide how you’re going to move on with your life. Assuming that you took all the right steps in terms of legal advice, and made the best arrangements for your kids, you may think that you should be ready to go. Below in this article, we will cover the Divorce finalized? 5 strategies to rebuild your life.
However, in reality, divorce takes a heavy emotional toll and can leave both parties with shaken self-confidence and loss of direction. Here are 5 ways to get yourself back on track and ready to get the most from your new situation.
1. Give yourself time
If you’ve been traumatized by the fact that the divorce happened, or by the way it happened, accept that this will take some time to get over. You’ll be grieving for the way things were, or the way you hoped they’d be. Be patient with yourself. It may be helpful to talk to a qualified therapist who can help you see things from a new perspective.
2. Get the legalities in order
If there are issues of maintenance, child support, or division of property still to be finalized, get the help of an expert in family law to help you. “It may be that there are still things to be ironed out, which, if not handled by a third party, can result in ongoing resentment and conflict,” says a senior lawyer at Skyview Law, in Washington. “For example, if a partner doesn’t honor their commitments for child support or parenting arrangements, it is far better to intervene early.”
3. Make a financial plan
Many women struggle to come to terms with the alteration in their economic circumstances. Hiring a financial planner or accountant to conduct a full review of your income, assets, and outgoings is a starting point for building a more secure future.
4. Accept that you can’t change your Ex.
If your partner was hopeless with money management, don’t expect things to be different now. If they couldn’t hold a job down before, start to think about how you’ll manage when their income dries up. If they were a junk food addict, except that’s what they’ll feed your kids. You couldn’t change them when you were married, so it’s not going to happen now. Just work out how you’re going to minimize any turbulence their behavior might create in your life.
5. Now is your time
Once the practicalities are sorted, it’s time to focus on yourself. One way to start is with an in-depth Life Audit. This will help you to examine every area of your life, from how you spend your time each day, through your emotional, mental, and physical health, your relationships, and even your spirituality. As with a financial audit, you’re working with evidence and facts, so by the end of it (and it can take up to a month to complete), you’ll be armed with valuable insights about what’s working and what needs to change.
In short, take your time, get the practical stuff organized, and then prepare to springboard into the next exciting phase of your life!