Your weekends may have been boring for the past few years but one way of making them enjoyable is by creating an activity such as woodworking. This is an ideal time that you could use to make your own benches. Below you can find the different types of Benches – Your best sitting mate
The following are some of the best diy benches that you can try out for your home or garden.Â
1. Bed Bench
Leftover bed frames can be some of the best items that are ideal for a bed bench. When carefully made, this can turn out to be among one of those benches that can be for both outdoor and indoor.Â
2. The wood slab bench
Not all benches are meant for sitting, and this is the kind of bench that you can easily use as a porch setup.Â
3. Transformed door bench
You must be probably wondering if that would make sense at all, but this bench has the capability of giving you a new breath of life. It is also good to know that it takes the shortest time to build.Â
4. Wooden Bench
This is so far one of the easiest benches that one can own around, this is because there are no screws around that are required for such stylish diy benches when being made.Â
5. Chair Bench
The beauty about this is that all you need to do is to turn two old chairs into a beautiful bench that can be used either for outdoor or indoor.Â
6. Garden bench
It would be ideal to look out for a beautiful garden bench for your outdoor events and resting purposes.Â
7. A bathtub outdoor sofa
In the world of creativity, there is nothing that one cannot achieve. You can turn your old sofa into outdoor seating.Â
8. Bed frame bench
A beautiful bench is something that is always unique and attractive so be sure that some old bed frame can be used to construct a bench.Â
9. Tree bench
Tree benches are not expensive to acquire, they can cost between 100-1000 of dollars. You can use a set of old kitchen chairs to create a magical spot in your backyard to come up with something creative.Â
10. Stenciled Welcome Bench
This is an ideal bench that can be used at home with a welcoming message for those who are accessing your garden.Â
11. Converted door garden bench
An old door can be used to create something that is incredible to give it a whole new life. This is one bench that can be used for your outdoor activities.Â
12. Cinder-block
This is an easy diy solution especially when you have a last-minute crowd coming over for a party at your place, like a barbeque or a backyard party. This process takes about 30 minutes to put everything together as no tools are required.Â
13. Headboard Bench
And old headboard can easily be transformed into creating a wonderful and charming bench that can be cozy to your guests. All one needs to do is to have lots of paints, polyurethane, and a little sandpaper in order to transform the headboard.