5 Popular Actors Who Play Online Casino Games

Play Online Casino Games

Online casino gambling has been a thing for long enough; you don’t need us to lecture you on it. People have trooped to this more convenient form of gambling, even celebrities who are more associated with land-based casino enterprises. We can’t blame them, though; who can ignore the pull of convenient gaming without people and cameras tracking your every move? That said, we have done all of the research and have brought a list of popular actors who play online casino games. You should read this, then log on to one of the many new casino sites Canada to crush the competition like your favourite celebrity. If they are doing it, you also can just not with the financial commitment you think they employ; gamble responsibly.

Ben Affleck

You must have seen him recently in the broken DCEU attempts at integrating batman. However, you may not have known that our favourite gruff-sounding, cape-wearing, Gotham-saving superhero has a gambling problem. We don’t judge you for not consuming tabloid information, but now you know. In fact, Ben’s gambling problem isn’t one that loses him money; it simply gets him in trouble with casinos.

When playing at a land-based casino (the Hard Rock Casino, to be exact), Ben was banned for counting cards. You heard that right; he’s intelligent enough to do that in real life without Alfred. Today, Ben Affleck has quitted frustrating casino managers and has taken his talents to online casino games, where he’s added baccarat to his list of favourites.

Pamela Anderson

This Canadian Bombshell once wowed us in the original Baywatch and appeared in playboy magazines. But we are sure you didn’t know about her love for gambling. If you assumed she was only good for sprinting on beaches and sporting perfect tans, think again. Pamela specialises in card games, even meeting her ex-husband at a poker game. Since the advent of online casinos, it has been speculated that Pamela’s love of casino card games has extended to the online versions. We definitely think those speculations are right. We also hear she’s good. Learn also strategies of online poker to win more.

Jennifer Tilly

She has had a special acting career so far and has been nominated for an Oscar, but Jennifer Till also happens to be a professional poker player. We are also not talking little leagues stuff here; she has participated in and won the Ladies’ Event Bracelet in the World Series of Poker.

As you probably guessed, she was the first celebrity to do so, and she has also won the World Poker Tour Ladies Invitational Tournament. As of 2019, she had made over a million dollars as a poker player. Nowadays, she has taken to playing online for a more convenient and private experience. Even celebrities with much success in poker competitions are going online, so what excuse do you have?

Brad Pitt

You might know him from his performance in Fight Club and other iconic movies, as Angelina Jolie’s ex-husband, or both. Whichever it is, we would like to tell you that he’s also a passionate lover of casino tables and slot games.

Apparently, while creating screen magic in Ocean’s Eleven, he fell in love with the heist and the topic of the heist. It was speculated in the aftermath of the movie that he was a big fan of casino trips. The trips seem to have slowed, but we are counting on his love for slots taking him online. Either way, consider his gaming activity proof that casinos aren’t all bad; they can be a lot of fun. Just use a less loaded bankroll when you’re having this brand of fun; your pockets are probably not as deep as his.

Tobey Maguire

You may now identify Spiderman with Tom Holland, but back in the day, Tobey made everyone fall in love with the web-slinging superhero. From his off-screen humility to his on-screen strut, he was a celebrity worth emulating. Well, don’t emulate his gambling exploits of old.

Tobey was busted, along with some other Hollywood stars, for being part of an underground poker ring. He has since moved on from those days, but his love of gambling has to have gone somewhere else. We are counting on online casino games being his legitimate gambling outlet now. We can’t be sure, but that’s our guess. Check the best 10 powerful tools to easily convert EPUB to PDF.

Other Celebrities Who Enjoy Casino Games

You surely didn’t think that actors were the ones having all the fun. If you did, we are bursting your bubble because there are even more celebrities that enjoy casino games. Some of these celebrities are names that have been associated with a lot of drama as well. Honorary mentions in this category include:

  • Charles Barkley

A basketball Hall of Famer and certified Phoenix legend, Charles Barkley was most known for his extremely blunt persona. He may have ended his career without a title, but he had a lot of fun in basketball and at the tables. Today, Charles is an analyst for the sport he dominated, but he once owed $400,000 to a Las Vegas Casino. There are no more debts, and he has outgrown the over $10 million he has reportedly lost gambling. Now, he simply plays online casino games at his own pace. Follow his lead and gamble responsibly, but don’t wait to accrue such debts before doing so.

  • Michael Jordan

Chuck shouldn’t come before the GOAT, but this is our list, and we can do whatever we feel like. Michael Jordan might have six rings and multiple generations of adoring fans, but we rule our page. That aside, though, his competitiveness on the court permeates his entire life. His “airness” has been known to bet on anything and everything, including golf, where he reportedly lost a million bucks on a single hole.

His career earnings and post-career business success should have offset that. However, you should know that he still gambles, and he does so on online casino games as well. If you’ve rocked a pair of Jordan’s, hung your tongue out on a drive to the basket, or attempted a free-throw-line dunk, we take it you have Jordan’s tacit approval to try online casino games.


There are still a lot of celebrities that we can point out for their enjoyment of the casino lifestyle, but we do not have the pages to cover them all. Instead, we are going to be sneaking this conclusion in at this point. You can take a page out of the celebrity notebook (of those above) and play some online casino games. However, don’t extend the copying to their wagers if you are doing this. You can’t possibly match their bankroll, and you owe it to your financial situation to gamble responsibly. On that note, we wish you profitable gambling experiences and more fun.